1.10cm tall dark emerald green perfume
embossed – THE CROWN PERFUMERY COMPANY LONDON. Has a beautiful
stopper in the shape of a royal crown. Also has a diamond registration on the
base. One very tiny ding on this otherwise near mint bottle $25
2.Unusual and early clearglass or flintglass
perfume embossed Yardley & Co London. You can tell it is early by
the wide flared lip. It even has some pieces if dirt embedded in the glass
wall. Yardley went out of business in 1999 – this perfume bottle is well
over 100 years old and only $20 (very small bruise in the glass)
3.6cm tall tiny cobalt blue cutglass perfume
with lines cut into it. It is rectangular in section and has a ground lip –
presumably for taking a glass stopper. another rarity - $35
4.l Dark green medallion shaped
perfume embossed – BOOTS THE CHEMIST & PERFUMER. superb Edwardian
perfume – good condition bar one very small scratch on the rear $35
NOTE – ALL prices include air mail postage
to the USA and CANADA. To order please use the hot e-mail link below. We will
then check stock and then get back to you quickly with payment information and
options. If the perfume bottles you want are not here please advise us – we do
act on wants lists
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