More than 200 years ago, a German-born naturalised
Swiss gentleman read about the discoveries of Joseph Priestley, Lavoisier and
chemists of other nations on gases and their combination with water .He
concluded that the methods employed in their laboratories were too feeble in
comparison to the work of nature in producing natural mineral waters. He decided
to investigate the matter further and went on to become the first commercial
producer of artificial mineral waters in both continental Europe and later in
Great Britain. This is the story of Jacob Schweppe and the Schweppes company.
Jacob continued to improve the ideas of Priestley,
Lavoisier and others and was soon manufacturing his own artificial mineral
water. He was soon producing waters of good quality which were going to waste so
he proposed to doctors of his adopted home town Geneva, that poor patients might
have his mineral waters for free. Soon the demand for his waters grew to those
who could afford to buy them and they had to press payment upon Jacob who
insisted only on recovering his expenses. Jacob had finally succeeded in
inventing a machine or engine that was capable of aerating water to equal or
exceed the aeration of natural mineral waters.. The business became firmly
established and sales grew. Jacob then made the mistake of trusting the sales of
his waters to a friend. This trust was breached as the friend then approached a
well -known engineer in Geneva and asked him to make an aerating machine so that
he could make his own mineral waters.
The engineer, Nicolas Paul did make the
machine - a poor machine for Jacob’s friend but made a much better one for
himself and quickly set himself up in business as a mineral water manufacturer
and a direct competitor to Jacob. This act brought about a partnership between
the two men, with Jacob deciding it would be better to join up with Nicholas
Paul than suffer his rivalry and competition. A partnership was formed in 1790
between Jacob Schweppe, Nicholas Paul and Paul’s father Jacques Paul. Henry
Albert Gosse joined the partnership after being introduced by Nicolas. Gosse was
a pharmacist in Geneva and had himself experimented with the production of
artificial waters
Click on the thumbnail to see a BIG image of Schweppes Engine
The method or system of carbonation invented by
Schweppe was given the name Geneva System or Geneva Apparatus.It consisted of a
container which enclosed an agitator which generated carbon dioxide from a
mixture of chalk and sulphuric acid. The gas was then passed through water into
a gasometer. With the aid of a pump the gas was then conveyed into a closed
wooden carbonating vessel where it was dissolved in water under pressure with
the assistance of an agitator. This apparatus was the first to make practical
use of a compressing pump as had been suggested by Priestley. The terms of the
partnership were set out in an agreement to last nine years from July 1st
1790. It specified that the firm’s name should be ‘Schweppe, Paul and Gosse’.
On 4th September a Prospectus appeared in the Journal de Geneve
announcing the establishment of the partnership. Attached was a commendation
from ten leading doctors stating that for the last seven or eight years Schweppe
had manufactured Setlzer water and Spa water and the sales of both had exceeded
the sales of natural mineral water. The prospectus showed important changes
brought about by the partnership. Previously the artificial waters had been made
from non-distilled water. The new firm proposed to use only distilled water and
to manufacture in addition to Seltzer and Spa Water the waters of Pyrmont,
Bussang, Courmayeur, Vals, Seidschutz, Balarac, Passay and other mineral waters.
As well as expanding the range of waters, it was decided to expand the range of
operations and a decision was taken to start a factory in London. Surprisingly
enough 27 years old Nicolas Paul was not despatched to start the business and it
was decided to send 50 years old Jacob Schweppe instead. In Geneva at the time
was an English doctor, William Belcombe. The partners decide to involve him in
setting up the London operation, in the capacity of promoting the operation,
especially among fellows in the medical profession.
Jacob arrived in England on 9th January 1792
bringing a letter of recommendation from Professor Pictet of Geneva which he
could present to the government, The first factory was at 141 Drury Lane and
production of the waters started in early spring. At the time some mineral
waters were already being sold in London by numerous apothecaries. Rudimentary
mineral water machines were carted through the street for the purpose of street
sales. All of these waters were inferior n terms of carbonation to those
produced by Jacob but this seemed to have little effect upon on early sales. In
July Jacob reported a lack of progress and success to his partners. He asked
that a decisive decision be taken, either to abandon the business or agree that
he should remain in London through the winter. Jacob added that if they should
wish him to stay, they should urge his wife and daughter to join him in England.
A reply came a month later urging Joseph to have patience and courage. Collette
Schweppe his daughter traveled to London at considerable expense to join Jacob.
Business continued to remain flat as the end of the year approached but he was
now committed to stray until spring at least. He was astonished to receive a
letter in December asking him to close down the business and return home.
Various reasons were given, the lack of success in England being one. Not the
least though were problems back home, for the firm’s sales were diminishing by
the day. Jacob sent off an angry letter to his partners, pointing out that he
would continue to stay in London until early spring at the company’s expense
as previously agreed. Jacob felt that he was being abandoned by his partners and
this was the beginning of the end of the partnership. The dispute rumbled on for
several years with Jacob staying in London. On 20th February 1795 the
partnership was formally dissolved. Under the terms of the dissolution, Jacob
sacrificed the goodwill of the business he himself had created in Geneva in ten
years of hard work. In return he kept the London business. His former business
partners soon separated and went their own ways. Nicolas Paul left Geneva for
Paris in 1799 and started a new mineral water business n 1799. In 1802 he moved
to London and set up in direct competition. Before long he returned to Geneva
where he died prematurely in 1806 aged forty three.
Jacob did not stay long in Drury Lane and by 1794 he
had moved to 8 Kings Street, Holborn. He soon moved the factory again to 11
Margaret Street, Cavendish Square, Westminster at Michaelmas in 1795. In this
street, at various addresses, he remained until he retired. In Geneva Jacob had
received the fullest support from the medical profession and the leading
physicians. In England, it was Dr. Erasmus Darwin, grandfather of Charles Darwin
who became their advocate. For the treatment of "Stone of the Bladder"
he prescribed ;
A dram of sal soda or of salt of tartar , dissolved in
a pint of water, and well saturated with carbonic acid(fixed air), by means of
Dr. Nooth’s glass apparatus, and drunk every day, or twice a day, is the most
efficacious internal medicine yet discovered, which can easily be taken without
any general injury to the constitution. An aerated alcaline of this water is
sold under the name of factitious Seltzer water, by J. Schweppe, at no.8 Kings
Street, Holborn, London : which I am told is better prepared than can be easily
done in the usual glass vessels, probably by employing a greater pressure in
wooden ones.
Erasmus Darwin was part of a group of philosophers and
inventors who met regularly. In this circle were men such a Josiah Wedgewood the
great potter, James Watt, Matthew Boulton (who made Watt’s first steam engine)
and Dr.. William Withering. Boulton had been a regular drinker of Schweppes
waters from as early as 1794. He told Erasmus Darwin about them and in a letter
dated October 1794, he gives a fascinating insight into the waters being sold
and the bottles used to contain them ;
Mr. J Schweppe, preparer of mineral waters, is the
person whom you have heard me speak of and who impregnates it so highly with
fixable air as to exceed in appearance Champaign and all other bottled Liquors.
He prepares it of three sorts. No 1 is for common drinking with your dinner. No.
2 is for Nephritick patients and No. 3 contains the most alkali and given only
in more violent cases. It is contained in strong stone bottles and sold for 6s
6d per doz, including the bottles.

Click on the thumbnail to reed the receipt which proves Schweppe was selling
SODA WATER in pints by at least 1798. The BIG question is ... WHAT TYPE OF
The term soda water came into use in the late 1790’s,
although the product had appeared for at least 30 years under different names.
Soda water was named in a Schweppes advertisement of around 1798 - a first for
the company. From the same 1798 advertisement comes a list of waters prepared
and sold by Schweppe. These were Acidulous Soda Water in single, double and
triple strengths. Acidulous Rochelle Salt Water, Seltzer, Spa nd Pyrmont Water
and also Tooth Lotion of Soda. Acidulous water was recommended for complaints of
the kidney or bladder, the stone, acidity, indigestion and gout. Seltzer was
recommended for its pleasant taste as well as for its medicinal uses - for
feverish ailments, biliousness, nervous affections and the debilitating
consequencs of hard living. The Rochelle Salt Water was a purgative. The
government regarded artificial mineral waters as being similar to patent
medicines and imposed an excise duty of three halfpence on every bottle made.
This tax was removed only in 1840.

The recorded design of the stoneware bottle Schweppes planned to use ......
There has been a great deal of speculation about the
type of bottle used by Schweppe to bottle his waters. There exists a design for
a bottle to be used in the London operation, which was recorded a year before
Schweppe journeyed to London . It portrays a stoneware bottle, oval in shape
with two handles attached at the top. It also bears a seal showing the initials
of the company - S.P.G.C for Schweppe Paul, Gosse & Co. This stoneware
bottle had a flattened base so that it could stand upright. In 1798 J Schweppe
& Co issued an advertisement from 75 Margaret Street ;
"To keep these waters good, the bottles must be
laid on their sides, in a cool place, or if convenient, it is still better to
keep them covered with water."
The bottle which is illustrated with this article has
yet to be discovered yet we have positive evidence from the 1790’s that
Schweppe WAS using stoneware bottles of some type that were to be laid
down, and that they were sold by the dozen, implying some form of crate or box.
It does not take a great leap in imagination to conclude that Schweppe was using
stoneware bottles of an ovate form, probably produced by a London pottery. The
discovery or indeed the existence of such bottles marked with the company name
and an early address would solve this mystery for all time !
DID Jacob Schweppe actually use round based stoneware bottles without handles
as in the image above ??